Rebirth of the Treacherous Official’s Madam Chapter 115

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T/N: Translated by Jen on Broken Jinsei! Please do not repost my translations! All translations outside of Broken Jinsei are stolen and reposted without permission!

Xun Che further wanted to laugh, but for better or worse, still retained a bit of rationality, enduring the urge. He supported Yu Lingxin’s waist, and at the same time, slightly lowered his head and eyes, not saying a single word.

Yu Bocheng blanked, “He really didn’t bully you?”

Yu Lingxin couldn’t help but press her lips into a smile, “Of course, not. I saw that father, you, came out to welcome and just felt a bit……….” She also didn’t know how to explain, instinctively looking towards Xun Che.

Xun Che lightly bowed, “Father-in-law has worried too much. Huijun just misses father-in-law, so felt a bit sentimental, that’s all.”

“Oh.” Seeing his attitude very deferential, and Yu Lingxin’s eyes although still red, it was still very spirited, the smile on her lips also not forced at all, and at this time, after Xun Che supported Yu Lingxin down from the carriage, he was still holding her, the two of them clearly appearing very intimate standing together, Yu Bocheng finally slightly relaxed a breath, “Cough, cough, come in, the old madam is also waiting for you two.”

When mentioning her grandmother, Yu Lingxin also grew impatient, immediately letting go of Xun Che’s hand to quickly head inside, also taking the opportunity to coil around Yu Bocheng’s arm, “Father, have you been well these days? When will you be returning to the project north of the capital? Is grandmother well? Is my Lianyi Residence still empty?”

Yu Bocheng finally felt a bit of satisfaction, casually answering as they walked.

At this time, at the main entrance, there was also Yu Zhengshan who similarly was waiting to receive them. Seeing Xun Che get casually tossed aside by his wife like this, Yu Zhengshan also felt a bit of subtle awkwardness, “Xun second brother, please come inside.”

Xun Che watched Yu Lingxin coil around Yu Bocheng’s arm in front, his eyes quickly flickering, but still smilingly responded to Yu Zhengshan, heading toward Dongli Residence behind the father and daughter pair together with Yu Zhengshan. Along the way, he also casually asked Yu Zhengshan a few words about his paintings, calligraphy, classwork, and such matters.

As Yu Zhengshan replied, he already didn’t have the enthusiasm and stomach full of questions about poetry that he had previously when seeing Xun Che, instead somewhat hesitant and evasive as he spoke.

Just as they were about to turn into Dongli Residence, this youngster that was once very sincere for a period of time finally had the question and doubt that has been pressed in his heart for a long time asked out loud, “Xun second brother, did you already have ideas towards my eldest sister from the start!”

Before Xun Che could respond, Yu Lingxin who was in front turned her head around and rolled her eyes at them, “Call him brother-in-law!”

Yu Zhengshan couldn’t help but tuck his neck, “Brother-in-law………”

Xun Che smiled but didn’t speak. Especially when seeing Yu Bocheng turn around, similarly carrying a disdainful look, he just further didn’t say anything. Just, when going up the steps, he glanced at the hem of Yu Lingxin’s red woven with gold brocade dress. Seeing her steadily lifting, completely not stepping on it, he just continued following along at ease, completely a gentle and deferential look.

Yu Bocheng had heard many rumors regarding Xun Che before, but he has actually only seen him face-to-face two three times. At this time, seeing him wearing a gold crown on his head, dressed in a brocade grown, his face like precious jade, his figure upright, having the elegant and noble air of an influential family, yet not carrying the slightest arrogance and frivolousness of a wastrel, Yu Bocheng finally gained a bit more good feelings inside, slightly nodding his head before being the first to enter Dongli Residence.

Upon entering, they just saw the womenfolk that have already filled half the room. Aside from Yu old madam sitting in the main seat who was full of expectations, to the side, there was also Su-shi and Yu Yunxin. Su aunt-in-law and Su Hanwei were also accompanying along in the seats below.

Yu Lingxin completely didn’t mind the others, directly going before her grandmother. When calling out to her grandmother, her nose also turned a bit sour.

TN: All translations outside of Broken Jinsei are stolen and reposted without permission!

Xun Che at this time also quickly went forward, deferentially bowing, “Greetings grandmother.” Afterwards, he also cupped his hand towards Su-shi and Su aunt-in-law out of courtesy.

Yu old madam’s impression towards Xun Che was much better than Yu Bocheng’s, quickly reaching out to go support Yu Lingxin, while at the same time, also smilingly waved her hand at Xun Che, “Quickly sit, quickly sit.”

Seeing her granddaughter and grandson-in-law before her, truly a beautifully matched couple, her eyes practically squinted from joy, “The dealings and rites these last few days must have been tiring. Is Ling girl well in your home? If there’s anything she’s still not used to yet, asking shizi to please pardon her a little more.”

“Everything is well for Huijun, satisfactory in all areas. Grandmother, you don’t need to worry.” Xun Che bowed with a smile, “My mother is particularly fond of Huijun, even more than me.”

Although these words were said for the occasion, it was still said extremely beautifully. Yu old madam naturally was very happy, also holding Yu Lingxin’s hand and asking about the various matters on the day of meeting the in-law family. At the same time, she naturally also asked about Xun old madam, this grandmother-in-law.

Yu Lingxin didn’t even need to share a glance with Xun Che. Their casual response was already incomparably smooth. When mentioning the matters on Xun Nanheng and Ming Huayue’s side, they carefully explained the rites in detail, as well as how harmonious and close the relationship was with the younger siblings. As for the second branch, it was just briefly mentioning, also saying how the old madam had gotten startled, still recuperating.

Yu old madam has lived in the capital for several decades. Even though she wasn’t that familiar with the Xun family, she still knew of the subtle relationship between Ming Huayue and Xun old madam. Asking this was merely out of courtesy. She simply won’t ask Yu Lingxin to go be a particularly virtuous person, instead just nodding her head, “That is also good. It’s rare for the marquis and marchioness to like you this much. You must properly attend to your father-in-law and mother-in-law. This is the most most important.”

Yu Lingxin smilingly complied. Yu Bocheng who was sitting to the side momentarily fell silent, and then began asking Xun Che about the matters in court.

This was the most common topic between the father-in-law and son-in-law. Regardless whether it’s the first return to the maiden home, or when visiting again in the future, between the father-in-law and son-in-law, they were like half father and son, so the father-in-law asking the son-in-law about his studies, or matters related to his official post, giving a few pointers and guidance, it was all reasonable and fair.

Just, that was usually in situations where the father-in-law’s learning, and particularly official post, was higher than the son-in-law’s.

Xun Che although had just turned nineteen, his current position was nevertheless a high fourth rank Chief Secretary of the Central Secretariat, accompanying by Xuan Emperor’s side in the imperial study. What he heard about and discussed every day were all the important military affairs of the Central Secretariat and Inner Cabinet. As for Yu Bocheng, although he was also a fourth rank Chief Administrator, he was nevertheless a Chief Administrator of the Ministry of Works’ Bureau of Renovations, mainly in charge of supervising construction projects. Even if similarly officials of the capital, the Central Secretariat’s position is still half a rank higher than that of the six ministries.

Moreover, if to look further into the future, the highest Yu Bocheng can reach was probably just the Ministry of Works’ Hall Representative, afraid even the assistant minister position was all very difficult. But, Xun Che, even if tossing aside the Wen’an Marquis noble title, just progressing up from the Chief Secretary of the Central Secretariat, reaching the administrator and counselor position, and then going higher, that was just the Marshal of the Central Secretariat, or even Chancellor[1] position, a noble and high path towards entering the inner cabinet and assisting in politics.

Between this kind of father-in-law and son-in-law, the teachings Yu Bocheng can give Xun Che in politics afraid were extremely limited. That’s why, after advising a few words to be diligent and steady, Yu Bocheng just didn’t speak anymore. It was even Xun Che that voluntarily asked about the matters in regards to renovating buildings. Especially after going through Cide Hall’s fire, the marquis manor also have the intention of taking the opportunity to nicely renovate the buildings.

This topic, Yu Bocheng just had a lot to say. At once, he just started speaking endlessly at great length, mentioning cases all over the country, the rules and regulations of past dynasties and the present, the materials inside and outside of the capital, the anecdotes in the historical records and ancient texts, talking non-stop the whole way until it was time for the meal at noon.

Xun Che very attentively listened for half a day. In between, he would even raise a few questions from time to time, both letting Yu Bocheng feel that he was seriously listening, while also having many leeway to elaborate, finally able to thoroughly display his profound knowledge as the father-in-law.

That’s why, by the afternoon teatime, when looking at this son-in-law again, Yu Bocheng’s complexion was just much better.

At this time, Yu Lingxin saw that it was more or less about time, and she’d also talked quite a while with her grandmother, so just had the gifts that she’d brought back distributed one by one to everyone, while also leaning a while longer on the old madam’s shoulder, very reluctant to part.

Yu Bocheng at this time was actually a little more resolute than his daughter. After drinking another cup of tea, he just voluntarily said to Yu Lingxin, “It’s time to go back, don’t let the in-law elders worry.”

Yu Lingxin stuck to her grandmother, very much not wanting to let go. But, she also understood her father’s meaning. Even though her father and grandmother were also very reluctant to part, they were still further concerned about her relationship with her husband’s family. Moreover, for the first return to the maiden family, according to custom, they can’t wait until sunset or the evening that late. Going early and returning early further conformed with the etiquette.

She nodded her head, and then looked to Xun Che.

Xun Che just smiled, “No worries. Sitting a little longer is also fine. Mother even said to let you spend more time with the old madam. Grandmother certainly can’t bear to part with you.”

Yu old madam although was happy hearing this, but she further understood the principle of mutually respecting and mutually yielding. The in-law family was generous and loving towards Yu Lingxin, thus letting her stay longer, but the maiden family can’t just blatantly accept. Actually, knowing that Ming Huayue, this mother-in-law, has this kind of thought, as an elder, she can also be at ease.

Yu old madam smiled, “The future is long, not just all in this day. When returning again on the full moon[2], can even stay the night. Today, it’s better to return early.”

Speaking to here, there actually wasn’t any need to sit longer. Besides, Yu Lingxin had just married for two days, so there really wasn’t more to ask. Thus, Yu Lingxin got up and carefully urged Yu old madam and Yu Bocheng to both pay attention to their body, properly take care of themselves, and so on. Afterwards, she nodded towards Xun Che.

Yu Bocheng agreed on the surface, appearing to not have any changes in his expression. Just, after listening to Yu Lingxin finish, he also got up, still wanting to personally send them out the door.

Yu Lingxin and Xun Che urged him to stay, but seeing Yu Bocheng insist, they could only let him do as he pleased.

When they finally returned to the second gate, just as they were about to mount the carriage, Yu Bocheng who had been momentarily silent, suddenly opened his mouth and said to Xun Che, “Son-in-law, Ling’er is still young, so if there’s any problematic areas, hoping that you can pardon her. If you are unable to pardon, then just have her sent back. Even if parting without hard feelings, don’t be angry with one another, and don’t wrong her.”

Yu Lingxin originally was about to get on the carriage, but hearing Yu Bocheng’s words, her eyes reddened again, “Father……..”

Xun Che fell silent, and immediately after, deeply bowed, “Father-in-law, don’t worry, Huijun is as important as my own life, absolutely don’t dare to betray.”

“That is for the best, go then.” Yu Bocheng also pressed down that bit of warmth in the bottom of his eyes, waving his hand, not watching them get on the carriage, instead just turning around to go back first.

Yu Lingxin bit her lip, supporting against Xun Che’s hand as she got on the carriage.

Once the horse carriage started to head back, she just directly threw herself into Xun Che’s arms, her entire person all very melancholic, “My father really………”

Xun Che slowly stroked her back, “Father-in-law loves you, always worried that you’ll get bullied. Isn’t this quite good?”

Yu Lingxin lifted her head to look at him, “I know, but hearing him say words like that, I just feel unbearable inside.”

“I also feel unbearable inside, so the great majority of father-in-law’s words, I will still listen.”

Pausing for a moment, he lowered his head to look at Yu Lingxin, “But, I didn’t promise father-in-law to not bully you.”

As he said this, he just leaned over for a kiss……

[1] 平章政事 – The name itself just means ‘to distinguish and regulate governmental affairs’. This official title is actually pretty unique. The simplest explanation is that it’s just another name for Chancellor used in the Tang dynasty, but the reason why the Tang dynasty has so many different names for Chancellor is because the Head of the Three Departments was suppose to hold the power of a Chancellor, but eventually just became an empty title, due to complicated political reasons, leading to the one who actually holds power becoming the de facto Chancellor without being called the Chancellor. The Three Departments and Six Ministries was the structure during the Tang dynasty, including the Chancellery, Department of State Affairs (Six Ministries under here), and Central Secretariat.

[2] 对月回门 – I couldn’t find anything on this, so I have no idea if it’s just some obscure custom I can’t find information on, or just made up by the author.

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2 thoughts on “Rebirth of the Treacherous Official’s Madam Chapter 115

  1. Thanks for the chapter, Jen!😘💖

    😊I really like the way the author delves into interpersonal relationships. I actually learn something from this.

    🤔By the way, typo alert:
    Along the way, he also *causally* asked Yu Zhengshan a few words about his paintings, calligraphy, classwork, and such matters.
    should be “casually”

    1. Oh, I really hate when a typo becomes another word so spell check isn’t able to detect. Anyways, thanks, it’s fixed now!

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