Rebirth of the Treacherous Official’s Madam Chapter 127

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After the Autumn Exam

T/N: Translated by Jen on Broken Jinsei! Please do not repost my translations! All translations outside of Broken Jinsei are stolen and reposted without permission!

The day the results were posted, Yu Lingxin just happened to return to her maiden home to visit the old madam and her father, and at the same time, she was also concerned about Yu Zhengshan’s autumn exam results.

Yu Zhengshan was just two months younger than Yu Lingxin, at present still less than fifteen, so participating in the exam for him was actually a bit early. Just, he was studious and hardworking in his studies, also having talent. His teacher had always wanted to let him go for a try.

In the previous lifetime, Yu Zhengshan actually had also participated in this autumn exam of Tianxu year 14, just he didn’t pass. By Tianxu year 17, when he wanted to take the exam again, the capital was already in the midst a raging storm. The Yu family had also gotten implicated, and with the old madam falling ill, Yu Zhengshan no longer had the mood to study.

Then, in the next year, when Yu Bocheng got banished to the Quan province, and the Yu family’s ancestral residence and ancestral properties all got seized, Yu Zhengshan had also turned eighteen. Originally, according to Yu Bocheng’s wish, he still wanted to let him continue studying in the capital. However, Yu Zhengshan was worried about his grandmother and paternal uncle being banished thousands of miles away, so he insisted on going with them to the Quan province.

Then, afterwards, when the old madam and Yu Bocheng passed away of illness in the Quan province, it was also Yu Zhengshan and Yu Zhenghua that stayed by their side in their last moments and sent them off. By that time, his studies had already gotten held up completely. Afterwards, he somehow managed to take the exam again, but after struggling several times, it was still nothing more than just a third class tong-jinshi[1].

Yu Lingxin at the time was already Xun Che’s widow. Towards Yu Zhengshan, this younger tang brother, she although was limitlessly grateful, the help she could give him in his official career was still very limited, only able to support him financially. But, Yu Zhengshan wasn’t too willing to accept, just saying that they were family, so no need to treat like outsiders.

That’s why, now, with everything starting over, Yu Lingxin and Xun Che just viewed Yu Zhengshan as a di-related younger brother.

Back when the Xun family and Zhu family’s case had just settled, Xun Che already had Xun Cong arranged into Qingyang Academy to study together with Yu Zhengshan, precisely for the sake of keeping a better eye on him under his nose. Every ten days, he will personally go over to question the two younger brothers’ classwork. If there’s the slightest problem, then it was just getting beaten with the ruler.

Xun Cong’s fear towards his older brother obviously didn’t need to be mentioned. As for Yu Zhengshan, he originally just revered this older brother-in-law very much. His classwork was also good to begin with, and now, having obtained Xun Che’s supervision and guidance, he naturally reached the highest level of enlightenment, further improving.

Practically not long after the news of the results came out, the steward and servant boy that the Yu family sent to go look at the announcement board just frantically ran back to report, “Master! The eldest young master has scored! Scored! Scored twelfth place!”

Yu old madam and Yu Bocheng were immediately elated, immediately rewarding the person that came to report. At the same time, they also ordered the servants to light the lanterns, hang the banners, set off firecrackers, inform the friends and relatives of the happy news, and so on. Especially Yu old madam, seeing this grandson that has been orphaned since childhood actually be able to pass the provincial level exam at less than fifteen, after praising a few words, her face just filled with tears, “If your father and mother were still here………if able to see you now……….”

Yu Zhengshan’s eyes also reddened, dropping on his knees with a thud before the old madam, “Grandmother, don’t worry, in the future, I will definitely continue studying properly, winning honor and glory for my parents, and also be filial to you in place of my parents!”

“Good child, quickly get up, your…..your father and mother………” Yu old madam’s voice increasingly choked up, unable to speak. Watching from the side, Yu Lingxin also started shedding tears, quickly going up to support Yu Zhengshan, and also smoothing the old madam’s breathing, “Grandmother, don’t cry, this is a happy occasion, an enormous happy occasion. Shan’er is sensible. In the future, he will have great prospects.”

“En, yes, Shan’er certainly will have good prospects.” Yu old madam held Yu Lingxin with one hand, while her other hand went to pat Yu Zhengshan, taking a moment before saying with tears in her eyes, “Also, Ling’er, your husband is also a good one. But, you two should also remember, what grandmother hopes for the most is just for you two to both be safe and sound. As long as you two are well, having comfortable days, then nothing else can make grandmother happier.”

“Yes, don’t worry grandmother.” Yu Lingxin and Yu Zhengshan both responded at the same time, quickly bringing the old madam another cup of tea, coaxing the old madam to talk. A moment later, they all collected their tears.

And after Yu Bocheng instructed the servants outside a few words on how they will celebrate, he also returned to Dongli Residence, his face filled with joy, both excited and also impressed, first having Yu Zhengshan nicely praised, then shortly after, also exclaiming with a sigh, “Shan’er is still less than fifteen, yet able to pass the provincial exam. Among the scholars in the capital, one can also leave one’s name! Right, Shan’er, did you hear, Qi Ke scored first place! To be able to score first place at eighteen, truly too talented!”

“Gentleman Qi scored first place? Then, that’s just the jieyuan[2]?” Su-shi at this time had also finished arranging the matters for the family banquet, returning to Dongli Residence too, her eyes widening, “Truly matchless in talent!”

TN: All translations outside of Broken Jinsei are stolen and reposted without permission!

“Indeed, back then, when his father and I were studying together as classmates, I just felt that brother Qi’s learning was profound, while also having perseverance in studying. After entering officialdom, he certainly will be able to have grand prospects, having the talent of becoming a prime minister. Just, unfortunately, he passed too prematurely. Looking at it now, Qi Ke is the blue that comes from indigo, yet brighter than indigo, his future prospects immeasurable!” Yu Bocheng exclaimed, also about to turn around and go out, “I will go write a card to Qi Ke right away, then add a congratulatory gift! The younger generation will be fearsome in the years to come, the younger generation will be fearsome in the years to come!”

Yu Lingxin’s eyes, however, flickered, lightly coughing, “Father, are you going to write a card? How about using the Chengxin Hall’s pine tree letter paper that Shenzhi gave you last time? That letter paper is stiff and firm, suitable for sending congratulatory cards.”

“Eh?” Yu Bocheng blanked, turning back and seeing Yu Zhengshan also dryly coughing, giving him an eye signal. Yu Bocheng finally came to realization, feeling somewhat embarrassed, “Uh, Qi Ke, although quite good, but it’s still the son-in-law’s learning that’s better, both a distinguished disciple of Wenyuan Academy, and also favored before the emperor. By just randomly giving Shan’er some pointers like this, Shan’er was just able to pass the exam. It’s still the son-in-law’s learning that’s good!”

Yu Lingxin finally laughed, “Today, when I came, he even told me to bring you another two cases of ink.”

Yu old madam couldn’t help but laugh, reaching out to tap Yu Lingxin’s forehead, “This daughter extending the elbow outwards!” But, seeing her granddaughter like this, she was also able to imagine how loving and sweet the young couple were. Even if Xun Che wasn’t present, even if this matter actually didn’t have much direct relations to Xun Che, she was still unable to tolerate the slightest bit of sand. Yu old madam smiled even more reassuringly.

And on Yu Bocheng’s side, although a bit slow to react, not that meticulously thinking of Yu Lingxin’s thoughts, his words were still honest and sincere.

Yu Bocheng himself was also a passing candidate of the imperial exam, but he’d only became a juren[3] at twenty-one, and for jinshi, it further wasn’t until that year when he was twenty-four. Although this also wasn’t considered late, but compared with Qi Ke and Yu Zhengshan, as well as Xun Che, who’d came from Wenyuan Academy, that was completely nothing to praise.

However, he thought for a moment, somewhat worrying, “Speaking of the son-in-law, is he getting promoted again? Recently, heard that his Majesty very much value the son-in-law, the big and small secret discussions of the inner cabinet, he’s all able to listen in on.”

Yu Lingxin lifted her eyes, looking over her father’s expression, bending her lips into a smile, “Not really. Shenzhi has been his Highness Qin Wang’s study companion for that many years, so can also be half considered having grown up before his Majesty. That’s why, his Majesty has a bit more leniency towards him. For him, serving before the throne, and also taking up a post in the Central Secretariat, it originally was also like this.”

Pausing for a moment, she also smiled, “Besides, even if getting promoted again, shouldn’t father be happy? When time comes, you can’t just give a congratulatory card. I know that you’ve saved several blocks of antique ink slabs, the kind that one can’t even buy with money outside.”

“This girl, already going after your father’s things now?” Seeing Yu Lingxin with a relaxed and natural look, that faint worry of his also got placed down, jokingly responding before going to his study to write the congratulatory card and arrange the gifts for Qi Ke.

Su-shi, unknown as to what she thought of, after slightly sitting for a while, asked Yu Zhengshan, out of formality, what his next plans were and the academy’s arrangements, and then, just said that she needed to arrange the family banquet, similarly going out.

At this time, Yu Zhengshan hesitated for a moment before asking Yu Lingxin, “Oh right, eldest sister, lately, when coming back, have you been back to your Lianyi Residence for a look? Lately, the hydrangeas and osmanthus trees in Lianyi Residence’s courtyard, have been blossoming beautifully.”

Yu Lingxin glanced at Yu Zhengshan, and then looked at the old madam, lightly smiling, “Alright, little guy, what you’re thinking of, I know. If you’d heard some rumors, then just directly say it. Your brother-in-law is young, but his official post is high, the tall tree attracts the wind. I will just give you a direct explanation, so as to avoid the old madam and my father from worrying. Giving a meaningful look like that, could it be that the old madam can’t tell that you have something to ask me in private?”

Yu Zhengshan didn’t expect that now, after marrying, Yu Lingxin would become increasingly frank. As such, his face was just somewhat awkward, also glancing at the old madam. Sure enough, amidst his grandmother’s loving affections, there was also a bit of clear understanding. Just, Yu old madam’s personality was gentle and soft, very rarely impatient and irritable, so even if able to tell that her grandson had some thoughts, she still didn’t stop him. Of course, Yu old madam also understood, Yu Zhengshan wanting to ask Yu Lingxin alone, it was also because he was afraid of her worrying, still having a filial heart.

“You are also concerned about your brother-in-law. Whatever you want to ask, just directly ask it, no need to worry about grandmother.” Yu old madam smiled, “What hasn’t grandmother gone through before?”

“Yes.” Yu Zhengshan nodded, but still deliberated for a moment before turning towards Yu Lingxin again, “Actually, it’s nothing particularly serious. Brother-in-law having talent and capabilities should be something known by all levels of society from top to bottom. I just heard the teachers in the academy and some classmates discussing, saying that brother-in-law being the Chief Secretary of the Central Secretariat is already too young, but now, his Majesty’s trust towards him and the powers given to him are seemingly even higher than his post. And lately, on the princes’ imperial selection and the internal affairs of the imperial clan, it seems his Majesty also very much listens to brother-in-law’s opinion. So……..So some people feel……..” He hesitated again, yet still said it, “Some people just feel that brother-in-law seemingly curries favor with his Majesty a bit too much.”

“What’s so bad about this?” Yu Lingxin was completely unconcerned, “Even an honest and upright official will have difficulties resolving a family dispute. Just this bit of people and matters in our family is already enough to headache over. For the imperial family, it will just be even more complicated. The imperial consorts contending against one another, the princes dividing into factions, what they are all fighting over is precisely these mountains and rivers, so how vexed would his Majesty be? Your brother-in-law is able to understand the situation, analyzing the pros and cons, the cause and effects, for his Majesty, what’s the big deal? Saying that he’s currying favor with his Majesty, that’s just being jealous of your brother-in-law. Could it be that angering his Majesty is what’s considered true abilities? This kind of rumor, there’s nothing to care about. ‘Wang Mang was deferential and modest before usurping the throne; the Duke of Zhou also feared in days of rumors[4]‘. Some things, one still needs to look further ahead. For a short period of time, it can’t be considered anything.”

Yu Zhengshan couldn’t help but nod, “Eldest sister is right. Actually, I also trust brother-in-law. Just, when hearing too much of some things, I will ultimately feel somewhat uneasy.”

Yu Lingxin smiled again, directly changing the topic, asking Yu Zhengshan about the gratitude banquet for his teachers, going to congratulate his classmates, as well as afterwards, continuing to study in preparation for the spring exam, and so on. The two siblings warmly spoke and laughed for half a day, appearing as if very joyous and harmonious, but as Yu Lingxin smiled, her heart was actually somewhat heavy. These rumors and gossips even passed on to Yu Bocheng’s and also Yu Zhengshan’s ears. Clearly, at the same time as Xun Che secretly prepared to push forward the current state of affairs, others weren’t idle either.

Very soon, it was noon. The Yu family’s family banquet was almost all set in place when Su aunt-in-law brought along her children, coming to the door to congratulate.

[1] Tong-jinshi – It literally just translates as ‘same as a jinshi’, basically candidates in the imperial that passed but at the very tail end of the ranks. Although they are treated the same as a passing candidate, most will be on a waiting list waiting for positions to be opened up and usually won’t have good opportunities. Jinshi refers to the ordinary passing candidates of the metropolitan exam, aka final imperial exam.

[2] Jieyuan – The title for the top scorer of the provincial exam.

[3] Juren– A way to address the candidates that have passed the provincial exam.

[4] This is a quote from Bai Juyi’s poem ‘Fang Yan’. Bai Juyi was a renowned Tang dynasty in poet. The author actually quoted this line wrong and also in reverse, which was why it was a bit confusing at first. It roughly means, towards people and matters don’t just look at what you see on the surface, instead you need a more overall and comprehensive understanding, otherwise, it’s easy to be mislead. All things need to be tested by time and viewed throughout history. If things were just viewed as it were on the surface, then Wang Mang would be viewed as a virtuous and modest gentleman and not a treacherous usurper, and Duke of Zhou would be misunderstood and framed as a traitor.

A few historical background info to better understand this line; Wang Mang was Yuan Emperor of Han’s empress’s nephew. During his time as a subject, in order to win over people and gain a good reputation, he was very deferential and modest on the surface. However, in reality, he was treacherous and crafty, plotting to usurp the throne, which he did succeed in doing in the end, reigning between the former and later Han, as the only emperor of his self-proclaimed Xin dynasty. When he was consolidating his power, he started to build up his personality cult, encouraging others to submit false prophecies in which he was mentioned as the second coming of Ji Dan (Duke of Zhou), or other great mythical leaders.

Interestingly enough, he’s portrayed as both a tyrant and a social reformer. In my view, he’s an idealist with zero grasp on reality. During his reign, he abolished slavery and initiated a land redistribution program. He wanted to create the harmonious society he saw in the Confucian classics. Unfortunately, his efforts ended in utter chaos. The reason why he was also viewed as a tyrant was because of the large-scale peasant rebellions during his reign. He later died in battle among these rebellions. The rebellions were mostly caused by Wang Mang’s incompetence in ruling, particularly his land redistribution policies. In c. 17 CE, a major Yellow River flood affecting the modern Shandong and Jiangsu regions caused the people to be unable to subsist to farming, thus forced into rebellion in order to survive. This was just the start of the rebellions. Over time, more and more rebellion forces joined up against Wang Mang, leading to his eventual downfall.

As for Duke of Zhou, his personal name was Ji Dan. He was the younger brother of King Wu of Zhou and uncle of King Chen of Zhou. His nephew King Chen of Zhou had ascended the throne at a very young age, so Ji Dan acted as the regent. Later on, another uncle of King Chen, Guanshu Xian (this is what he was known as, Guanshu literally just means royal uncle, his personal name was Ji Xian) and his gang spread rumors about the Duke of Zhou wanting to harm King Chen and usurp the throne. Scared of the rumors, Duke of Zhou went into hiding. Afterwards, King Chen discovered that the rumors were false and that it was actually Guanshu Xian that wanted to revolt. In the end, Duke of Zhou was brought back, the rebellion was crushed, and Guanshu Xian was executed. Another random tidbit, King Wu of Zhou (actual name Ji Fa), Duke of Zhou (Ji Dan), and Guanshu Xian (Ji Xian) were all brothers. King Wu was the second son, Ji Xian was the third son, and Ji Dan was the fourth son. Their father Ji Chang had at least 18 known sons.

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