Rebirth of the Treacherous Official’s Madam Chapter 116

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Serious Talk

T/N: Translated by Jen on Broken Jinsei! Please do not repost my translations! All translations outside of Broken Jinsei are stolen and reposted without permission!

Although the Wen’an Marquis heir’s carriage had gone around on a small detour as usual, but because they’d indeed left the Yu manor relatively early, in addition to the daytime being longer in the sixth month, when they returned to the manor, the color of sky outside was still very bright.

Seeing Xun Che and Yu Lingxin return home at this time, Ming Huayue was also very surprised, “How come you two returned this early?”

Yu Lingxin smiled, “We’d gone over very early today, talking with grandmother and father for half a day, and came back when it was more or less time.”

Ming Huayue nodded, casually asking whether Yu old madam was well and such. Afterwards, she no longer said anything, instead lowering her head to take two sips of the tea, clearly a bit distracted.

Yu Lingxin couldn’t help but slightly furrow her brows, looking to Xun Che. Xun Che was also studying his mother’s expression. Thinking for a moment, he tried asking, “Did maternal uncle come over today?”

Ming Huayue placed down the teacup in hand, sighing again, “Regarding Jinrou’s matter, do you two know?”

Xun Che shared a glance with Yu Lingxin again, deliberating for a moment before responding, “Know a little.”

“Know a little?” Ming Huayue rolled her eyes at her own son, “In this world, there’s even something that you only know a little of?”

Xun Che pressed his thin lips, carefully selecting his words, “So, maternal uncle’s meaning, is wanting to let Jinrou report in as sick to avoid the imperial selection?”

Ming Huayue helplessly spoke, “More or less. Your maternal uncle still doesn’t want to let Jinrou marry into the imperial family. However, that girl’s thoughts, sigh, the two of them should be arguing by now.”

Xun Che lowered his eyes, “I understand. Tomorrow, Huijun and I will go over for a look.”

Ming Huayue once again shook her head and sighed, not saying more.

Seeing Ming Huayue’s expression, Yu Lingxin couldn’t help but worry more. After returning to Qingyu Pavilion, while taking out the casuals for Xun Che to change into, she softly asked him, “So, right now, what are his Highness’s thoughts? Didn’t you say that the day before yesterday, his Highness even mentioned this matter with Ming eldest young master when drinking together?”

Xun Che’s expression was still considered relaxed, comfortably opening his arms, and at the same time letting Yu Lingxin change his clothes for him, his gaze continuously lingered on her, nonchalantly replying, “Duanyi Xianzhu although didn’t explicitly state what she wants with Jincheng, but from our marriage, as well as Grand Elder Princess Zhaoning and Madam Cheng’s attitude, everyone can all tell that they are close with our family and the Ming family. This attitude, for the central palace, is more than enough. The Wen family young miss absolutely won’t be able to be shoved into the Jin Duke Manor. Then, if the empress still wants to skip over me and directly pull in the relationship with the Ming family, then the only path she can take is just letting Qin Wang marry Jinrou.”

“But, does his Highness have feelings towards Jinrou or not?” Yu Lingxin frowned, “The stakes and interest, I understand, but what Jinrou wants isn’t just benefits and status.”

Xun Che hooked his lip, “Even if there isn’t feelings, can still develop feelings. Based on his Highness’s personality, as long as it’s his legitimately wedded wife, bearing and raising children, then he certainly won’t leave or abandon.”

Yu Lingxin at this time already finished changing the clothes for Xun Che, having his outer garment casually hung to the side, her expression still darkening, “But, I keep feeling that this way, it’s unfair for Jinrou. Jinrou likes his Highness that much. If his Highness doesn’t like her………..”

TN: All translations outside of Broken Jinsei are stolen and reposted without permission!

Xun Che helplessly laughed, “The way that every person’s fate begins is different. For example, our first meeting, wasn’t it precisely under the parents’ order, directly marrying? Between Jinrou and his Highness, it can’t be considered not having feelings. Actually, when it comes to martial arts and music, they have always had a lot to talk about. But, in the previous state of affairs, Qin Wang was in a precarious state himself, and the empress also had many ideas, so how could he dare to think about Jinrou. To really say how much feelings there are, I don’t dare to guarantee anything, but when hearing him mention this matter, his brows were very relaxed, so at least, very much willing.”

Yu Lingxin slanted her mouth, “Jinrou is that good, who would be unwilling?”

Xun Che reached out to hold her hand, “If it’s for me, then you would be unwilling.”

Yu Lingxin immediately glared at him, “I would be unwilling? Then, that means, you’re happily willing?”

Xun Che held her in his arms and headed over in the direction of the bed, “When did I ever say that I was willing? Could it be that you’re willing to let me be with someone else? Xun second young madam, why don’t you also tell me the truth, do you like me being together with someone else?”

As he spoke, he suddenly leaned in. Yu Lingxin’s train of thought got led along by him again, her stance weakening for a moment, “How could I………”

Xun Che was increasingly greedy, deliberately putting on a stiff look, “Turns out, you don’t care at all? How can you be like this?”

At the same time, getting pressed down, Yu Lingxin could only sit on the bed. When raising her head to look up at him, her heart was already madly beating, and Xun Che seemingly was about to bend over to ‘bully’ her again. Yu Lingxin hurriedly reached out to stop him, “Shenzhi! The sky hasn’t turned dark yet!”

Xun Che raised his brow and smiled, “This husband having a serious talk with you right now, need to wait until nighttime to get an answer?”

However, this ‘serious’ person continued to lean in closer as he spoke.

Yu Lingxin’s cheeks were increasingly red, “That’s not……..”

“Then, do you care about me or not?” Xun Che very serious reached out to lift her chin.

Yu Lingxin’s heart was still beating very fast, her mind also a bit dizzy. She kept feeling that what Xun Che asked her just now and what she was originally talking about weren’t the same thing, but going through line by line, it seemingly was also logical.

In the end, under Xun Che’s burning gaze, she could only softly reply, “Of course, I care about……..”

“Since that’s the case, then let me have another kiss.” Xun Che immediately leaned over to kiss her, also conveniently pulling down the bed curtains.

Yu Lingxin could only let out a ‘wuu’ sound, wanting to reach out to push him, but Xun Che’s hand already very quickly slid into her clothes, accurately grasping a certain soft spot, lightly massaging.

His kiss was further hot and passionate. Yu Lingxin even felt that she was somewhat unable to catch her breath, even more unclear as to exactly what went wrong. She was clearly having a serious talk with Xun Che about Ming Jinrou and Qin Wang’s matter, yet how come it just turned into her getting ‘bullied’. Most of all, Xun Che right now has already very rapidly grasped the way to make her whole body go soft. In the end, she could only let him bully to his satisfaction.

However, the next day, when Xun Che and Yu Lingxin went to the Jin Duke Manor together to go see Ming Yunji, this subject regarding Ming Jinrou’s entry in the imperial selection just wasn’t that relaxing.

When Xun Che and Yu Lingxin arrived, they first went to pay respect to the old Jin Duke couple. The two elders were both open-minded people, completely not bothered about family status. From the start, when hearing that Xun Che had selected Yu Lingxin himself, they were already very happy. Now that they’ve successfully married, the two of them naturally happily gave their greeting gifts. This can be considered having greeted the husband’s maternal family.

However, Ming Yunji who was sitting to the side, his complexion was somewhat dark and heavy the whole time. Xun Che and Yu Lingxin both understood. This had nothing to do with their marriage, but rather, as the registration for imperial selection approached day by day, Ming Yunji’s mind was truly unable to relax.

Thus, after greeting the two elders, Xun Che and Yu Lingxin just followed Ming Yunji to his study for tea. Ming Jincheng and Ming Jinrou naturally followed along too.

When still outside the study, the atmosphere seemingly was still harmonious, casually chatting about Xun Che and Yu Lingxin’s new marriage. Just, after entering the study and closing the door, the atmosphere instantly became heavy as they sat down.

A moment of silence later, it was still Ming Yunji that opened his mouth first, directly asking Xun Che, “Shenzhi, what other ways are there to not let Jinrou enter the selection?”

“What ways can there be?” Ming Jinrou unreservedly opened her mouth to respond to her father, “Ying’er’s body has always been weak, and Cide Hall’s fire was also a major incident, in addition to second cousin’s dispute with his Highness Qin Wang previously, as well as the Xun and Zhu family lawsuit, not participating in the selection can be considered something tacitly understood by everyone. I have been practicing martial arts since childhood, to say that I’ve fallen ill thus unable to participate in the selection, who would believe? Or could it be that father, you, want to randomly find someone for me to marry in these ten days?”

“If one must say something, reporting in sick indeed isn’t appropriate.” Xun Che deliberated on his words, “On one hand, it’s just as Jinrou said, it’ll inevitably be too deliberate. Even if temporarily using this method to deal with the situation for now, afraid that in the future, it’ll get dug out again, getting accused of looking down on the ruler and imperial family. Besides, even the empress has already incited his Highness Qin Wang, her mind set on Jinrou. If Jinrou were to have other marriage arrangements, then even if turning down the empress, it will still be a bit more smooth. If to refuse by reporting in sick, then it’ll truly be too half-hearted.”

“Could it be that just because the empress has set her mind on Jinrou, Jinrou will just have to marry?!” Ming Yunji also became irritated.

Xun Che hesitated for a moment, lifting his eyes and looking around the room, “Then, the only way currently is to just let Jinrou marry Cong’er.”


Ming Jincheng nearly choked to death on his tea. Even Yu Lingxin was all dumbstruck as she looked to Xun Che. Ming Yunji and Ming Jinrou were further shocked, “Xun Cong? And, Jinrou?”

Xun Che although appeared calm on the surface, he still more or less avoided Ming Yunji’s eyes somewhat, “With the two palaces fighting over the throne, conflict is unavoidable. Qin Wang and the other two princes, Wu Wang and Wei Wang, we can only chose one side. If there wasn’t Xun Yan’s case, then perhaps can still have somewhat of a way out, but at present, afraid we won’t be able to completely draw the line with the empress as well as his Highness Qin Wang. If Jinrou doesn’t want to enter the imperial selection, then can only get engaged. Given the time limit, aside from Xun Cong, there seemingly isn’t anyone else that’s suitable.”

Pausing for a moment, he also added, “Maternal uncle, your feelings, although understandable, you still can’t just let Jinrou randomly marry for the sake of not letting her enter the palace. In that way, she might as well enter the palace. At least his Highness Qin Wang’s moral character is further worth entrusting one’s future.”

Hearing these words of his, Ming Yunji’s complexion grew increasingly dark, suddenly narrowing his eyes, turning his face to look at Xun Che, another moment of silence.

Xun Che ultimately felt a bit guilty inside, so also fell silent, but in the end, still clenched his teeth and stood up, deeply bowing, “Maternal uncle, back then, when Qin Wang and I planned to have a fake fall out, while also secretly pushing for General Cheng and Duanyi Xianzhu’s return to the capital, I indeed had predicted that there would be this current situation.”

“Hahah, good! What a good nephew, a good older cousin, the resourceful Wen’an Marquis heir that has calculated everything!” Ming Yunji coldly laughed, getting up and raising his hand for a slap!

“Father!” Fortunately, Ming Jincheng was even quicker, practically grabbing Ming Yunji immediately. Afterwards, he just knelt down on both knees before his father, “If father wants to hit, then just hit me. These things, I was all aware of, and also participated in.”

Ming Yunji practically was about to explode in anger. Just as he was about to loudly curse, he just heard the servant outside report, “His Highness Qin Wang has come to visit.”

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