Rebirth of the Treacherous Official’s Madam Chapter 118

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Who Doesn’t Have It Hard?

T/N: Translated by Jen on Broken Jinsei! Please do not repost my translations! All translations outside of Broken Jinsei are stolen and reposted without permission!

Xun Che quickly looked around in the surrounding before lightly nodding his head, “She will.”

Qin Wang’s heart deeply sunk, yet his complexion was tranquil as usual, just when opening his mouth again, it was very difficult, repeatedly clenching his teeth twice, his voice already somewhat hoarse, “That—-is also good. You all take care of her a little more, and find for her a good person.”

Xun Che also saw Qin Wang’s complexion, going forward two steps, and saying something with an extremely low voice. Afterwards, he once again bowed and stepped back.

Qin Wang’s expression instantly became complicated, “This……..”

Xun Che slightly leaned over, “Your Highness’s sincere feelings, presumably, maternal uncle has already learned of today. How it will be from here on, just wait for the name record reported by the Zongjing Bureau on the thirtieth of the sixth month. If favorable, asking your Highness to determine for yourself. If not, then this subject naturally will plan and mediate for your Highness again.”

Qin Wang also couldn’t help but slowly sigh, “At present, it can only be like this.” Reaching out, he patted Xun Che’s shoulder before turning around to mount his own carriage.

Xun Che watched Qin Wang’s figure depart, and then turned around to embrace Yu Lingxin. However, Yu Lingxin’s face was full of suspicion, “What idea did you come up with this time?”

Xun Che hooked his lips, his hand tightening, “What idea can I come up with, merely just pushing the boat along the current.”

“These words, who would believe?” Yu Lingxin climbed onto their own carriage, increasingly not having any misgivings with her words, “Just now, what did you whisper to his Highness?”

“The machinations of the heaven must not be revealed.” Xun Che was still smiling, “Whether it succeeds or not, still need to depend on maternal uncle. Revealing it now won’t be interesting.”

Yu Lingxin slanted her mouth, “How I see it, maternal uncle’s mind is very firm, how is there still any leeway for it to ‘succeed’.”

Xun Che couldn’t help but slightly shake his head, “Maternal uncle’s character is straightforward and realistic. To put it pleasantly, he’s just supremely honorably and righteous, valuing relationships and justice. But, to put it bluntly, it’s just these values of the untamed jianghu[1] being greater than the caution and decisiveness that one should have as a descendant of a noble family. His thoughts although are firm, he still may not necessarily have enough ideas. The reason why maternal grandfather still hasn’t passed down the noble title to him, it more or less is also because of this.”

Yu Lingxin recalled what she’d heard about in the past life regarding Jin Duke Manor’s disastrous change, and at this time, she was also bit apprehensive, “So, in the past………..”

Xun Che once again sighed, “Changchun Palace precisely calculated maternal uncle’s personality. After Ying’er met with mishap, they also extended their claws towards the Ming family. Maternal uncle, after maternal aunt-in-law passed away, truly was too heartbroken, very much lingering among the mountains and rivers for several years. He also likes making friends, and once the friends from all trades he made outside increased more and more, how can he completely be clear of each and every one of their background. At the time, I’d just gotten poisoned not long ago, precisely in the middle of struggling between life and death. Maternal uncle sought out all his jianghu friends for me. As long as someone says there’s some renowned doctor or miraculous medicine, he will all invite to the capital. Amidst the haste and chaos, he just got framed with the crime of colluding with bandits, plotting to assassinate a prince.”

Yu Lingxin recalled Ming Yunji’s tragic death in the past life, as well as Jin Duke Manor’s various unforeseen changes, and couldn’t help but feel very sad. For a moment, she didn’t know what else to say, and could only lean further into Xun Che’s arms, softly saying, “Maternal uncle also have it very hard.”

“Who doesn’t have it hard?” Xun Che caressed his wife’s shoulder, “In the past, when Grand Elder Princess Zhaoning followed her husband to guard over Jingyang, she faced the danger of the city getting broken through three times. Of course, there were people that strongly advised Grand Elder Princess Zhaoning to return to the capital, but the princess said, ‘As a princess of the imperial family, enjoying all the luxury and glory offered by the people, one naturally should defend the country with one’s life. If Jingyang falls, one will certainly spill one’s blood and die for the country.’ The noble family descendants in the capital are also as such. Since they are born into this kind of family and into nobility, then some responsibilities can’t be escaped from.”

Yu Lingxin guessed the meaning in his words, also recalling Ming Jinrou’s past life, “On this bit, Jinrou truly understands the most inside.”

TN: All translations outside of Broken Jinsei are stolen and reposted without permission!

“Even if Jinrou doesn’t like his Highness Qin Wang, this political marriage actually still needs to be considered.” Xun Che closed his eyes, “Looking at the present, his Highness needs a powerful in-law family and a sensible wife. This is the necessary requirements for him to gain a foothold in front of the emperor and empress. If the Jin Duke Manor wants to continuously avoid the risks on this matter, then their position will just be like the Zhenguo General Manor’s. Rather than say it’s wanting to be a pure official, it’s actually just ‘removing the fire from under the cauldron’[2]. If his Highness does not succeed in the future, then still need to see who is the one that ascends the throne, not to mention what other troubles we might have. But, if his Highness really were to brave the wind and billows one day, then how will Jin Duke Manor reside in front of his Highness?”

Yu Lingxin silently nodded. Actually, the state of affairs in the capital was just this way, no one was able to stay out of it. In the last lifetime, Ming Jinrou didn’t participate in the selection, nor married Qin Wang, but what became of her later?

Even for herself, since her rebirth, she has wanted to help her father and the entire Yu family distance themselves from the storm, asking for steadiness and peace, but at present, she has also unknowingly returned to the heart of the storm again.

To put it more bluntly, the political situation that they were born into was just as such, simply having no way of indulging in the temporary comfort.

“Then, can maternal uncle think it through?” Before the horse carriage returned to the Wen’an Marquis Manor, Yu Lingxin asked this one last question.

An extremely sly smile once again emerged on Xun Che’s lips, “This, will just depend on Jincheng.”

“Ming eldest young master?” Yu Lingxin blanked, “He, he can convince maternal uncle?”

“No.” Xun Che smiled, and once the horse carriage firmly stopped, he just jumped down first, extending his hand to go support Yu Lingxin. His handsome face was filled with a crafty look, “You’ll know very soon.”

“Being mysterious again!” Yu Lingxin grumbled, lightly rolling her eyes at him.

Although a completely unintentional look, but her appearance was dainty and stunning to begin with, and as a newly-wedded wife, she was also splendidly dressed, in addition to the two of them having loving affection, her brows unconsciously just carried a bit of light seductiveness. This glance instantly just made Xun Che heat up inside, the smile on his lips increasingly deep, “Or how about we return to our room to nicely talk in detail?”

Yu Lingxin immediately became vigilant, “No need! I better go pay respect to mother!” Afterwards, she just flung him aside, quickly rushing towards Yuli Hall.

Xun Che naturally quickly followed after her, and at the same time, softly laughed, “The filial piety mother wants actually isn’t this……….”

The so called ‘some families joyous, some families worrying’ was probably just this. While the newly-wedded Wen’an Marquis heir couple were seriously arguing over ‘paying respect on time and accompanying daily’ versus ‘being loving and harmonious, and giving birth to a noble heir soon’, exactly which one was considered true filial piety, in Zhaoyang Hall and Changchun Palace, the Jin Duke Manor and Chang’de Count Manor, don’t know how many people were distracted and anxious over Qin Wang’s imperial selection, either startled or worried.

And two days later, Yu Lingxin finally understood exactly what Xun Che’s so called ‘depends on Jincheng’ meant.

The news he was waiting for surprisingly wasn’t sent over by Ming Jincheng, nor was it something said by Ming Jincheng, but rather, whether or not Ming Jincheng had gotten violently beaten by Ming Yunji, as well as exactly how seriously had he gotten beaten.

When Yu Lingxin heard his exchange with Chen Qiao, she practically blanked, but Xun Che nevertheless asked very cheerfully, “So, at the time, Jincheng even passed out? He was probably pretending, wasn’t he?”

Chen Qiao absolutely didn’t dare to be like Yu Lingxin at this time, rolling his eyes, although he really wanted to very much. As he bowed, he could only carefully select his words, “This…..this subordinate doesn’t dare to rashly comment, but it was indeed very serious. The wooden staff had drawn blood.”

Xun Che nodded his head, his expression increasingly relaxed, “So, when did Duanyi Xianzhu arrive? Did she catch this scene in time?”

Chen Qiao increasingly didn’t dare to look at Xun Che’s expression, so as to avoid being unable to contain his own silent complaint, just lowering his head and answering honestly, “When xianzhu arrived, the wooden staff just happened to break, so lord uncle had stopped.”

“You can withdraw.” At the same time nodding his head, Xun Che also waved his hand. Chen Qiao quickly bowed and then retreated out of the study.

When Xun Che turned towards Yu Lingxin again, he just saw his wife with a contemptuous look, “Ming eldest young master, for better or worse, is still your older cousin, how can you take pleasure in his misfortune like this?”

Xun Che unconcernedly smiled, “For all things, to gain something, one must lose something. With maternal uncle being that angry, he ultimately needs an outlet. Besides, didn’t you also hear, since Duanyi Xianzhu had gone over, then this beating of his won’t be endured for nothing.”

“But, what does this have to do with Jinrou’s matter?” Yu Lingxin pondered over and over, seemingly understanding a little, but still not too sure.

Xun Che let out a long sigh, reaching his hand out towards Yu Lingxin, “Come over and let me hug, then I will tell you.”

Yu Lingxin bit her lip, very much wanting to storm off, but in the end, the matter ultimately concerned Ming Jinrou’s marriage, so after slightly hesitating for a moment, she still obediently went before Xun Che.

Xun Che pulled Yu Lingxin to sit on his lap, caressing her slender waist before lightly sighing again, “This matter, speaking of which, even need to thank you, my dear wife.”

“What does this have to do with me?” Yu Lingxin was increasingly confused. While reaching out to embrace Xun Che’s neck, she also tidied his collar.

Xun Che smiled, “If not having just married, then today, in the Jin Duke Manor, it won’t just be Jincheng’s blood dyeing the wooden staff. Maternal uncle indeed loves me for real, but when beating me, he won’t be lenient either. At present, for me to have escaped such a fate, isn’t it precisely thanks to you?”

Yu Lingxin thought back on the scene that day at the Jin Duke Manor. If not for Ming Jincheng acting quick, afraid Xun Che would’ve taken a few hits that time. She couldn’t help but have a bit of lingering fear, “Then……then, it’s still better to wrong Ming eldest young master.”

“This can’t really be considered wronging him in any way.” Xun Che snorted, “Regarding Qin Wang and Jinrou’s matter, from the start, we had just decided on it together. This is Jinrou’s marriage after all. If he, as the older brother, doesn’t worry over it, then even count on me for everything? Actually, maternal uncle is just using him to vent his anger. Seeing him this angered, the matter of Jinrou entering the imperial selection should be set.”

Yu Lingxin nodded, also understanding his meaning. First setting aside exactly whether or not the imperial selection in itself was imperative, if Ming Yunji really was determined to not let his daughter participate, then at this time, Ming Jincheng absolutely can’t collapse. Regardless whether it’s reporting in sick, or using some other excuse, they all had many things to take care of. Just, Qin Wang previously had laid down that kind of serious words. Ming Jinrou was already heartbroken to the extreme. To then go participate in the imperial selection at this time, was it really not a problem?

“However, there’s also one thing that I’m somewhat concerned about.” Xun Che thought for a moment, his brows carrying a bit of hesitation, “That is the Chang’de Count Manor’s attitude towards the imperial selection this time.”

“Qi Pei wants to be Qin Wangfei?” Yu Lingxin also recalled the Qi Pei that she saw that day when officially meeting the relatives at the Jade Peak Villa, who was dressed very similarly to the Lu family young miss, “But, the Chang’de Count Manor’s weight, how can they compare with the Jin Duke Manor? It can’t be that the empress doesn’t even know how to differentiate the weight between them?”

“This is only natural. Just, the empress isn’t genuinely trying to support his Highness Qin Wang.” Xun Che pressed Yu Lingxin’s hand, “If the empress wants to control and balance Jinrou’s influence, then she will definitely select two side consorts for Qin Wang. Wen Ruoyao certainly will be one of them. Just don’t know when time comes, whether Qi Pei………….”

[1] A common concept in wuxia tales, it refers to parts of society that operate outside of the government’s control with their own systems and hierarchy.

[2] A idiom meaning taking drastic measures in a desperate situation. If you take out the fire from under a pot, it will stop it from boiling.

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